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[News] Small Win for Open Source Software in Austrlian Medical Research

  • Subject: [News] Small Win for Open Source Software in Austrlian Medical Research
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 23:50:31 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
OpenClinica Enterprise Selected to Power Clinical Trials by Australian CRO

,----[ Quote ]
| OpenClinica Enterprise is being adopted to power clinical trials in Australia 
| and New Zeland by Emphron Informatics, a data management and biostatistics 
| contract research organization (CRO).  



Historic Opportunity for Electronic Medical Record Unification in Texas

,----[ Quote ]
| For the success of these initiatives and the future of our patients, it is of 
| critical importance that the systems chosen 1) be non-proprietary, Free and 
| Open Source Software (FOSS) licensed products and 2) use the same software 
| base. Advocacy for such a system by Houston Psychiatric Society and its 
| members is crucial.    


A Tale of Modern Electronic Medical Record Software

,----[ Quote ]
| One day a Mr. FOSS came to town. Mr. FOSS said: “Why don’t we have all these 
| companies use the same lighthouse design? Why don’t we have all the ship 
| owners and the community own the design instead of all these companies 
| re-inventing the same thing over and over?” So Mr. FOSS went to the town 
| council and to all the ship owners and to consortia of passengers and showed 
| them how to draw up a special contract.     


Is Your Big Company, CCHIT, Proprietary EMR Safe?

,----[ Quote ]
| Think your CCHIT certified, proprietary EMR from a 'big' corporation is a 
| safe bet? Think again. Remember Enron?  


Stark Exceptions Establishing Cartels?

,----[ Quote
| Traditional USA market forces already do not work well with Electronic 
| Medical Record software. Aka "The Microsoft of Medicine" has not and likely 
| will not emerge. EMR's are a public good and governed by those economic rules 
| but are being treated as a private good. Those rules include susceptibility 
| to market failure by among other things, the "noise effect" from too many 
| competitors and by 'information asymmetry'.     
| [...]
| Approximately 8 vendors currently will support WorldVistA EHR/VOE 1.0. There 
| are other EMR vendors smart enough and brave enough to use FOSS licenses 
| exclusively such as MirrorMed/ClearHealth and Ultimate EMR with rumors that 
| Misys will be FOSS licensing its product. Organizations such as these, 
| WorldVistA and its participating vendors should be supported with service 
| contracts, public and private funding to establish information symmetric, 
| true markets for EMR's.      


Your data or your life

,----[ Quote ]
| As unlikely and alarmist as this sounds, it could really happen. Intracare
| is the publisher of a popular practice management system called Dr. Notes.
| When some doctors balked at a drastic increase in their annual software
| lease, they were cut off from accessing their own patients? information.
| This situation is completely unconscionable. There can be no truly
| open doctor-patient relationship when an unrelated third party is the
| de facto owner of and gatekeeper to all related data.


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