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[News] Businessmen Fracture Free Software, Respect Bullies

  • Subject: [News] Businessmen Fracture Free Software, Respect Bullies
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 23:08:39 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Linux Foundation's first commandment: respect Microsoft

,----[ Quote]
| There are, of course, companies like Novell which have signed pacts with 
| Microsoft, pacts which endanger the growth of Linux in the marketplace. Is 
| this the kind of strategy which Zemlin had in mind?  
| There are people like Miguel de Icaza who try to tailgate Microsoft by 
| developing open source versions of Microsoft technologies and hoping against 
| hope that specs will remain accessible to them. Could Zemlin have meant this 
| kind of strategy?   
| [...]
| Judging from the CV available on the Linux Foundation website, Zemlin, 
| clearly, has had no touch with open source apart from various marketing 
| roles. It is claimed that he is "widely quoted in the press on open source 
| and commercial software trends..."   
| If these are the kind of quotes he generates, it would be indeed wise for him 
| to henceforth hold his peace. 


How to expand Linux in two styles: Novell vs. Red Hat

,----[ Quote ]
| Today, I took another look at Ron Hovsepian’s keynote address from LinuxWorld 
| last week, and his message of “expanding, extending, and enlarging” the Linux 
| operating system. Was the message tainted a bit by the fact that Hovsepian is 
| a businessman at the head of the number two commercial Linux distributor in 
| the world? Sure it was, but there were points to be gleaned from his talk 
| that I think the Linux community would be apt to mull over for a bit before 
| they jump on the Microsoft hating bandwagon.      



Microsoft Must Earn Respect of FOSS Community

,----[ Quote ]
| Can you believe it? Given Microsoft's history of antagonism, It's hard to 
| believe anyone - let alone the Linux Foundation - would call on the FOSS 
| community to respect Microsoft. No, if Microsoft wants respect, they should 
| get it the 'old-fashioned' way - by earning it.   
| After Microsoft has treated our community like rogues for nearly 20 years, 
| called us Communists, claimed the GPL was 'unconstitutional', hijacked our 
| terminology and accused countless thousands of hackers and customers of 
| violating patents without giving anyone any opportunity at all to correct 
| these so-called violations, now the Executive Director at the Linux 
| Foundation calls on us to respect Microsoft?     


It's not about Windows, dammit!


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