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Re: Boycott Novell

____/ John Bailo, Texeme.Construct on Wednesday 15 August 2007 19:40 : \____

> On Aug 15, 7:29 am, Hadron <hadronqu...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> But be sure to click on the ads at the top of the  page to ensure that
>> Roy "Spambot" Schestowitz gets a few quid out of it.
>> http://boycottnovell.com/author/schestowitz/
>> Google ads no less. My, my.
> It's time for Roy to come down from his treefort and accept the fact
> that Novell is the shield, not the enemy, of Linux.
> http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/08/15/1413217
> " E5Rebel writes "Novell has promised not to sue anybody over the Unix
> copyrights that a US court last week ruled it owned. They said there
> was no Unix in Linux and now they are sticking by it. Perhaps they had
> no option, but Novell deserve praise for taking on the fight with
> SCO...."  "

As Shane, who is the father of this site, said a long time ago, not even a
dollar is made through AdSense (per day), so it's barely enough to pay the
hosting bill. As he also told flatfish (or some other anonymous troll who
commented), I refused to be part of the whole AdSense thing from the very

                ~~ Best of wishes

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