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[News] A Look at Greenphone Development, Nokia's Maemo and WiMAX

  • Subject: [News] A Look at Greenphone Development, Nokia's Maemo and WiMAX
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 16:57:38 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Punch out your own code on a Greenphone

,----[ Quote ]
| Trolltech's Qtopia is a commonly used mobile Linux. It's used in a large 
| number of different devices – from Sony's mylo communicator, to Motorola and 
| Panasonic's Linux phones. While you might not have come across it in the 
| Carphone Warehouse, it's a common platform in one of the biggest mobile 
| markets going – China.    


Nokia N800 gets WiMAX

,----[ Quote ]
| Nokia has patents in parts of the 3G standard, so would like to see that 
| succeed, but it's certainly not going to cut itself off from alternative 
| technologies if they provide another route into the pockets of punters.  



Review: Nokia N800 now with Skype

,----[ Quote ]
| While I enjoyed using the Nokia N800 prior to the firmware upgrade, once 
| having Skype installed made the unit made the Nokia N800 an almost 
| indispensable tool carry around. Having the ability to make phone calls 
| anywhere in the world from any location that has wireless internet was neat. 
| Furthermore with a SkypeIn plan you can easily receive phone calls from just 
| about any place in the world that has wifi. The addition of having Skype made 
| the Nokia N800 a near cellphone like device.      


First look: Skype for the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet

,----[ Quote ]
| Not only was there an updated version of the Linux-based Internet Tablet OS 
| and significantly-improved hardware, but Nokia also promised us a 
| fully-functional Skype client for the N800. Nearly six months after the 
| tablet's launch, the Skype client has finally arrived.   


Sprint to offer WiMAX-enabled Linux tablet

,----[ Quote ]
| Sprint will offer a Mobile WiMAX-enabled version of Nokia's N800 Internet 
| Tablet to North American customers next year, LinuxDevices has learned. The 
| new device will support Sprint's grand scheme of making WiMAX-based 4G 
| wireless services available to over 100 million people during 2008.
| [...]
| At the LinuxWorld conference in San Francisco this week, LinuxDevices spoke 
| with Dr. Ari Jaaksi (photo at right), Nokia's director of open source. Asked 
| if the combination of VoIP and Mobile WiMAX might cannibalize Nokia's mobile 
| phone business, Jaaksi replied, "WiMAX could change the cellular landscape; 
| however, it's a question of the maturity of the technology, and how it will 
| be priced."     


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