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[News] Proof That FUD and Stereotypes Greatly Damage Free Software Adoption

  • Subject: [News] Proof That FUD and Stereotypes Greatly Damage Free Software Adoption
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 21:22:36 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
In Defense Of Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| Naysayers position open source as a sort of geeky pleasure that’s best 
| reserved only for unwedded twenty- and thirty-something males residing in 
| basements owned by parental figures. That the Linux platform is the product 
| of a wide network of hobbyists. That the solutions which subsist within the 
| Linux system are not worth equal attention to big-name products from firms 
| like Microsoft, Adobe, Apple, and others.     


Astaro "paved the way" for VC-funded open source companies

,----[ Quote ]
| "Back then, to base a business on products built using Linux and open source 
| was a fairly new idea. We were out in the market for fundraising and venture 
| capital, but the investors we talked to were very averse to the idea that 
| with open source that you would not own your intellectual property. Our 
| employees got the idea, and the customers loved it, but the investing 
| community seemed allergic to open source. We were forced to bootstrap for two 
| or three years until we could show traction."      


Meet Mark Radcliffe: The man who rules open source law

,----[ Quote ]
| Matters such as SCO's Linux assault and Microsoft's hints of legal action 
| against open source software makers and users tend to dominate the public 
| discourse around open source code.  



Top 5 Linux Myths

,----[ Quote ]
| The sheer ignorance regarding casual Linux users astounds me to no end. While 
| I'm not interested in pointing fingers, there is a lot of misinformation 
| about the Linux community, and we will help to dispel some of these myths, 
| once and for all.   
| 1. Linux Users Are Cheap. Ah, this is one of my favorites. It seems that 
| Linux users have long since been seen as cheap, despite the fact that so many  
| of them in the States earn up to six figures. First, define cheap? Are we 
| cheap because we choose not to buy brand new everything with every release of 
| our selected OS?   


Top 5 Linux Myths

,----[ Quote ]
| The sheer ignorance regarding casual Linux users astounds me to no end. While 
| I'm not interested in pointing fingers, there is a lot of misinformation 
| about the Linux community, and we will help to dispel some of these myths, 
| once and for all.   
| 1. Linux Users Are Cheap. Ah, this is one of my favorites. It seems that 
| Linux users have long since been seen as cheap, despite the fact that so many  
| of them in the States earn up to six figures. First, define cheap? Are we 
| cheap because we choose not to buy brand new everything with every release of 
| our selected OS?   


Web Content 2007: 7 Open Source Myths: Busted!

,----[ Quote ]
| Open source licenses allow for free redistribution of the software 
| including the source code and depending on the specific license,
| can allow the user to derive works from that software. Companies 
| may choose to open source their software to slash distribution costs, 
| and instead profit from support licenses and/or selling a 
| “professional” or “enterprise” version of the software.

Linux Truths, Half-Truths, and Myths

,----[ Quote ]
| When people find out I run Linux on my computer instead of Windows
| or even Mac OS X they sometimes have funny ideas about what it must
| be like. Some of it is historical; Linux used to be quite difficult
| to administer in its younger days. Some of it is misinformation,
| or no information at all. I hope to dispell some of the
| misconceptions.


SCO on the brink of financial collapse

,----[ Quote ]
| The company's share price had closed at $1.56 on Friday ahead of a court 
| ruling that Novell, and not SCO, was the rightful owner of the copyrights for 
| the Unix operating system. The price remained steady in early trading, 
| however, valuing the company at about $9.5m.   


Can Microsoft get its $12 million back from SCO?

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft played matchmaker back in 2003 when SCO needed money to help fund 
| its lawsuits agains IBM and various other Linux players and customers. 
| Microsoft suggested that hedge fund BayStar Capital invest $50 million in 
| SCO.   
| Microsoft also backed SCO’s play to convince other vendors and customers to 
| license SCO’s technology to avoid potential infringement lawsuits. (Maybe 
| that’s where Microsoft got its patent-licensing ideas ...)  
| One of the first companies to snap up two SCO licenses was Microsoft, to the 
| tune of $12 million, according to BusinessWeek. Sun Microsystems and Computer 
| Associates also bought into SCO’s plan.  


The Goldfarb Declaration - Updated: MS Statement

,----[ Quote ]
| According to the Declaration, Richard Emerson was not the only
| Microsoft employee Goldfarb was dealing with in connection with the
| BayStar investment in SCO. He mentions by name two others, from two
| other departments.


,----[ Quote ]
| "There you have it. At least a third of SCO's entire market
| capitalization, and their entire current cash reserves, is payoffs
| funnelled from Microsoft. Their 10Qs reveal that every other line of
| cash inflow is statistical noise by comparison. The brave new
| SCO source business model is now clear: sue your customers, shill
| for Microsoft, kite your stock, and pray you stay out of jail."


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