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[News] Another Argument Against DX10 Hype, Compiz-Fusion Gets a Facelift

  • Subject: [News] Another Argument Against DX10 Hype, Compiz-Fusion Gets a Facelift
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 13:39:21 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
DX9 and DX10 performance compared 

,----[ Quote ]
| So, it seems, there is some difference to crow about - although it is our 
| suspicion that, given the time and inclination, most of the flasher DX10 
| features could be retro-fitted without much hassle, and the differences are 
| more a product of time and money than capability.   


Compiz Fusion Community News Edition 13 for August 28, 2007 : Wikup!  

,----[ Quote ]
| Well, a lot more happened in features this week. Notable points being the 
| CCSM action re-haul, which is now a lot more user friendly. 



Inside CNET Labs: Lamenting DirectX 10

,----[ Quote ]
| We compared the same title side by side on a system running DX10 on Vista to 
| the same title on an identical system running DX9 on XP, and it's 
| difficult--sometimes impossible--to detect significant differences in how the 
| games look or perform.   


Adding DX10 has "done nothing"

,----[ Quote ]
| Having tested the DX10 rendering path against the DX9 version, the chaps at 
| the fantastically named Elite Bastards say that they can't "Help but feel a 
| little disappointed to see yet another game where the inclusion of DirectX 10 
| functionality has done nothing for the title either graphically or from 
| performance standpoint".    


OpenGL 2.x and 3.0 APIs arrive this year 

,----[ Quote ]
| Approximately three months after that, Mount Evans (OpenGL 3.0) will 
| run specifically on hardware born after November 8th, 2006. You've
| guessed it correctly, we are talking about DirectX 10-class hardware,
| bringing all the features of unified 3D architecture to the world of 
| OpenGL. Mount Evans is compatible with Longs Peak, but of course -
| you will require OpenGL 3.0 class hardware to run everything.


Valve survey shows hundreds of thousands steamed up 

,----[ Quote ]
| However, the survey also shows how far Microsoft et al have to go 
| - currently, DX10-capable gamers (ie those with Vista and a DX10 card) 
| make up 1.21% of the gaming population.
|         ^^^^^


DAAMIT! AMD's DX10 is not up to scratch 

,----[ Quote ]
| The gap isn't much, but there's a good 10-15 per cent difference between 
| the two cards, and this is rather disappointing for a card that has 
| been repeatedly marketed as future proof.


Vista-only game cracked 

,----[ Quote ]
| Falling Leaf Studios had previously reported that they were working 
| on the 'Alky Project' that would contribute 'Alky Compatibility 
| Libraries' to allow the successful running of Halo 2 and Shadowrun 
| on Windows XP machines.
| Looks like it was a lot simpler than that. 


Hacked DX10 for Windows appears 

,----[ Quote ]
| A chap called Cody Brocious from San Diego, California, claims to
| have started to create an wrapper for Windows executables so that
| they can be ran on another operating system, with no prejudice
| about that operating system.
| A year in, the Alky Project has gone live under the cover of a
| company Falling Leaf Systems. Members of its Sapling Program will
| be able to get the wrappers for DirectX10 applications and run
| them not just on DX10 hardware under Windows XP, but with some
| DX9 hardware as well. 


Valve questions Microsoft's commitment to PC gaming

,----[ Quote ]
| Half-Life 2 developer Valve thinks that Microsoft's current
| "Games for Windows" marketing push is a cynical ploy to sell
| more copies of Windows Vista, rather than a genuine effort to
| invigorate the PC gaming market.


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