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[News] Citibank is Linux- and Standards-Hostile, Yahoo Linux- and Human-Hostile

  • Subject: [News] Citibank is Linux- and Standards-Hostile, Yahoo Linux- and Human-Hostile
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 10:10:47 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Citibank: You’re on Notice

,----[ Quote ]
| I hope they hear from enough people to take note. I think the Americans with 
| Disabilities Act may be a powerful argument in favor of making web sites more 
| standards compliant and accessible.  


Yahoo!: we did not assist torture in China

,----[ Quote ]
| The company says it was merely obeying the law when it released details that 
| led to the imprisonment of dissidents 


Cooperation and obedience does not make it acceptable.

We've all seen Yahoo's anti-Linux bias before.

Last week:

Yahoo in China human rights case

,----[ Quote ]
| A human rights group in the US is suing Yahoo for alleged complicity in 
| rights abuses and acts of torture in China. 


Chinese Internet dissident committed to mental hospital

,----[ Quote ]
| "It is not acceptable that Chinese authorities use such methods to silence 
| citizens who have merely peacefully voiced their opinions", expressed the 
| organisation in an announcement. Apparently authorities have not abandoned 
| the practice of punishing those who have exposed the abuse of power and 
| defied censorship by compulsorily committing them to mental institutions.    


Yahoo!, Microsoft ink web pact with Chinese government

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft and Yahoo! have signed a pact with the Chinese government 
| that "encourages" the big name web players to record the identities of 
| bloggers and censor content. So says Reporters Without Borders, an 
| organization that fights for journalistic rights across the globe.   


Microsoft, Yahoo Tailor Ads To Users' Behavior

,----[ Quote ]
| Google will remain on the sidelines — at least for now. But its Web portal 
| rivals are stepping up their efforts to use behavioral targeting to make 
| display, or banner, ads more relevant to Web site visitors.  



New software can identify you from your online habits

,----[ Quote ]
| That is the spectre raised by new research conducted by Microsoft.
| The computing giant is developing software that could accurately
| guess your name, age, gender and potentially even your location,
| by analysing telltale patterns in your web browsing history. But
| experts say the idea is a clear threat to privacy - and may be
| illegal in some places.


Yahoo! Answers is rejecting Open-Source options in answers

,----[ Quote ]
| Someone got a computer from a friend that has some serious problems 
| with Windows. S/he has none of the disks (XP or restore) and was
| asking for recommendations.
| [...]
| How is recommending freely available and legal alternatives abuse?
| ImgBurn is also a perfectly legal program, so are Ubuntu and Kubuntu
| (they're Linux).


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