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[News] Thailand Makes Massive Migration to OpenOffice.org

  • Subject: [News] Thailand Makes Massive Migration to OpenOffice.org
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 13:42:18 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Thailand: Egat turns to open source to cut costs

,----[ Quote ]
| There are 7,000 PC units based on Open Office or 70 per cent of all 12,000 PC 
| units in the organisation. 


Thumbs up to ODF.


Tossfest 2007: are you a hardened open sourcer?

,----[ Quote ]
| South East Asia's premier open source software event, the Thailand 
| Open Source Software Festival - or Tossfest 2007 - splashes down 
| in Bangkok this week.


OpenOffice.org in Education: A Roundup

,----[ Quote ]
| Wow, sometimes you think you’re really tied into a product and who’s using it 
| and where, but even I was surprised at the amount of people and institutions 
| deploying, using and enhancing OpenOffice.org.  


100,000,000 OpenOffice.org fans can't be wrong

,----[ Quote ]
| Simon's official response explained the business rationale behind
| offering support for OpenOffice.org: "OpenOffice.org has becomep
| henomenally successful, Sun alone has shipped more than 70 million
| copies of OpenOffice.org 2.0," he said. "Out there, there
| are maybe 100 million copies of OpenOffice.org. It would be
| senseless to ignore that opportunity."


Dell Offers Ubuntu, What About OpenOffice?

,----[ Quote ]
| According to the IdeaStorm website, pre-installed OpenOffice is 
| "Under Consideration," which appears to be just below "Coming 
| Soon" in their hierarchy of possible implementation. Let's
| hope it moves to "Already Offered" soon!


Open Office vs. Microsoft Office

,----[ Quote ]
| This has been just a short overview comparing Open Office to Microsoft
| Office to demonstrate that you don't have to pay a lot of money to get
| a great Office Suite.  In fact, you may not have to spend any money to
| get a great Office Suite.


Microsoft Office or OpenOffice?

,----[ Quote ]
| Let's turn to Microsoft Office. Again, it brings in a ton of 
| revenue to Redmond, even though there are full office productivity 
| suites that compete with it. My guess is that many of you can't 
| name one though -- and that is what Microsoft counts on, which is 
| branding power. The full-featured OpenOffice productivity suite 
| is pretty darn impressive (I've used it), and it's completely 
| free and interoperable with Microsoft Office (not sure about 
| Office 2007). Why don't more people use it then? Lack of knowing 
| it exists is a possibility, and having to download the suite or 
| order it for about $10 on CD may be obstacles. Plus, you can't 
| find it on Best Buy shelves. If customers start becoming smarter 
| and find out out about OpenOffice or even Google Inc.'s Google
| Apps, could a large piece of Microsoft's kingdom come 
| crashing down?
| [Disclosure: I own MSFT shares as of 5-29-07]


NeoOffice: It's Ready for Primetime

,----[ Quote ]
| Four weeks ago I decided to try using Neo Office, the Open Source 
| word processor, spreadsheet, presentation and drawing program. Neo 
| Office is based on Open Office which was created by Sun Microsystems,
| and then released out into the wild as an Open Source project. It 
| was developed to work on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX.


Chinese software company to tailor OpenOffice

,----[ Quote ]
| RedFlag produces a Chinese variation of OpenOffice.org called
| RedOffice. The company is a subsidiary of the Chinese Academy of Science.


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