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Re: Open-Source Trashware

____/ [H]omer on Monday 27 August 2007 02:40 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee, that Linonut spake thusly:
>> I think DFS might be correct after all.  This guy certain talks about
>> open-source trashware:
>>    http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2174730,00.asp
>>    Opinion: I recently took a look at Microsoft's most active
>>    open-source projects and -- there's no polite way to say
>>    this -- they are all junk.
> .----
> | Now you may never have heard of this project, but I admit it does
> | sound cool. That is until I looked closer at it and see that it's
> | based on C#, WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation, formerly
> | Avalon), WCF (Windows Communication Foundation, formerly Indigo),
> | and .Net 3.5. In other words, it's an "open-source" program built
> | entirely from Vista-oriented proprietary languages and frameworks.
> | Is a project really open-source when all its parts are proprietary?
> | I don't think so.
> `----
> That really is the crux of the matter, isn't it?
> How can any project be truly Open when its compiler toolchain, APIs, and
> indeed entire framework is Closed?
> Survey says ... uuuuaaaaahh.

Imagine GPL-licensed blocks of code of Silverlight? How about OSI's approval?
What would ESR say?

                ~~ Best of wishes

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