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[News] Linus Torvalds Australian Interview -- Bright Future Ahead, No 3.0 Hype

  • Subject: [News] Linus Torvalds Australian Interview -- Bright Future Ahead, No 3.0 Hype
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 00:30:46 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Linus Torvalds talks future of Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| LT: We really don't expect to need to go to a 3.0.x version at all: we've 
| been very good at introducing even pretty big new features without impacting 
| the code-base in a disruptive manner, and without breaking any old 
| functionality.   
| That, together with the aforementioned lack of a marketing department that 
| says "You have to increase the version number to show how good you are!" just 
| means that we tend to just improve everything we can, but you're not likely 
| to see a big "Get the new-and-improved version 3!" campaign.    



Torvalds attacks Microsoft over open source

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt among open source users, 
| Linus Torvalds said in an interview published last week. 
| [...]
| Microsoft could offer no response to Torvalds' comments at the time of 
| writing. 


Torvalds on Linux, MS, software's future

,----[ Quote
| CW: Didn't you fear you would lose intellectual property when you released 
| Linux? 
| Torvalds: I didn't think in those terms (and still don't). It was never about 
| intellectual property, it was about all the effort I had put in, and it was 
| about the project being something personal. But yes, I was a bit worried that 
| as a totally unknown developer in Finland, somebody would decide to just 
| ignore my license, and just use my code and not give back his changes. So it 
| worried me a bit. On the other hand, what did I really have to lose?     


Interview with Linus Torvalds

,----[ Quote ]
| We can’t start without a question: does Linux infinge Microsoft patents?
|     As far as we know, the answer is a resounding “no”, and it’s all
|     just MS trying to counter-act the fact that they have problems
|     competing with Linux on a technical side by trying to spread FUD.
| [....]
| What do you think about Novell and Microsoft’s agreement? Which future 
| developments will produce? And what about Red Hat’s events? 
|     I really don’t care. You’re asking all these marketing and
|     company questions, and the thing is, I’m not at all into it. I’m
|     totally uninterested. What I’m into is the technology, and working
|     together with people.


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