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[News] [Rival] OOXML is All Secrets, No Transparency

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] OOXML is All Secrets, No Transparency
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2007 07:58:43 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
662 resolutions, but only if you can find them

,----[ Quote ]
| Let's review how things worked with ODF.
|    1. OASIS ODF TC mailing list archives are public for anyone to read
|    2. OASIS ODF TC public comment list archives are public for anyone to read
|    3. OASIS ODC meeting minutes, for every one of our weekly teleconferences 
|       going back to 2002, are all public for anyone to read. 
|    4. The results of ODF's ballot in ISO are public, including all of the NB 
|       comments 
|    5. The comments on ODF from SC34 members are also public
|    6. The ISO Disposition of Comments report for ODF is also public for 
|       anyone to read 
| [...]
| But what about the OOXML process? Every single one of the above items is 
| unavailable to the public, and in many cases cases is not available even to 
| the JTC1 NB's who are deciding OOXML's fate.  



Microsoft’s secretive standards orgs in Former Yugoslavia

,----[ Quote ]
| Croatian laws keep its national body’s votes secret, so the only way for the 
| Croatian public to find out how the process went would be if a board member 
| illegally leaked information out of CSI. This is, of course, unlikely to 
| happen. And the Serbian national standardization body is not officially 
| formed, so those two votes were easy for Microsoft, and probably not only 
| ones around the globe.      


Microsoft Tech Ed 2007: OpenXML

,----[ Quote ]
| He was asked "Why did Microsoft push OOXML through the "Fast Track" process 
| instead of the standard ISO process? Wouldn't they get less resistance than 
| faced now?"  
| His response was very frank: "Office is a USD$10 billion revenue generator 
| for the company. When ODF was made an ISO standard, Microsoft had to react 
| quickly as certain governments have procurement policies which prefer ISO 
| standards. Ecma and OASIS are 'international standards', but ISO is the 
| international 'Gold Standard'. Microsoft therefore had to rush this standard 
| through. Its a simple matter of commercial interests!"     
`----            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Evidence of Microsoft Influencing OOXML Votes in Nordic States

,----[ Quote ]
| "This is how a standard is bought," Bosson wrote later. "I left the meeting 
| in protest - pissed off." 


Microsoft Memo to Partners in Sweden Surfaces: Vote Yes for OOXML - Updated

,----[ Quote ]
| He acknowledges that the rules might need to be changed.


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