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[News] ODF Gains Momentum with OpenOffice.org and Symphony as StarOffice Walks Away

  • Subject: [News] ODF Gains Momentum with OpenOffice.org and Symphony as StarOffice Walks Away
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 18:55:15 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Will Symphony play taps for Sun's StarOffice ambitions?

,----[ Quote ]
| Sun's retreat from the enterprise arena will let IBM take a stab at Microsoft 
| Office. 
| The beta of Symphony garnered 250,000 registered downloads in its first two 
| months. By contrast, OpenOffice.org is being downloaded about 1 million times 
| a week.   


http://www.openoffice.org/ links to me! Front page. :-)

KDE responds to the whole OOXML debate:

Dear Glyn Moody

,----[ Quote ]
| Dear Glyn Moody:
| I found how you trotted out an age old and long since dealt with issue, 
| namely the licensing of Qt1, as a way to discuss what you consider to be "the 
| growing tensions between the KDE and GNOME camps" to be tasteless and ironic. 
| If you want to help mend fences (we need all the hands we can get), the last 
| thing to do is drag long-since dealt with issues that have been irrelevant 
| for years back to the surface.     
| A cynic might think you were trying to deflect the issues that have arisen 
| around OOXML and the negative attention it has resulted in for GNOME by 
| kicking the someone else's dead horses. Personally, I think you were just 
| being a bit clumsy while trying to make the point that everyone falters now 
| and again and that nobody gains from conflict within our shared house. I 
| think your intentions were good but unfortunately the road to hell, as they 
| say, is paved with good intentions.      



KOffice's stance against OOXML more practical than political, developer says

,----[ Quote ]
| In the recent accusations that the GNOME Foundation has been supporting 
| Microsoft's OOXML format at the expense of ODF, KDE has been presented as a 
| counter-example. Based on a KDE News article, Richard Stallman suggested 
| that "major KDE developers" had announced "their rejection of OOXML" and 
| urged  GNOME to do the same. More recently, a widely linked story on ITWire 
| used the same article to declare that KDE has taken a "principled stand" 
| against OOXML. However, if you go the source, the story is more nuanced than 
| these claims suggest.        


OpenOffice Alternative: KWord 1.6

,----[ Quote ]
| OpenOffice is the darling of the FOSS office suites, and it is a nice suite. 
| It's cross-platform, and OpenOffice Writer is a first-rate word processor 
| with a lot of advanced features. But it's not the only good option for Linux 
| users: Abiword and KWord are excellent lightweight word processors with good 
| feature sets, and both are licensed under the GPL.    


KDE takes stand on OOXML; GNOME dithers

,----[ Quote ]
| Three cheers for the developers and management of the K Desktop Environment. 
| They have taken a principled stand on the divisive issue of OOXML, the 
| Microsoft Office Open XML document format. And for this the KDE folk deserve 
| a round of applause.   


Engineering Industry support for OOXML - Novell

,----[ Quote ]
| Wikipedia: "A puppet is a representational object manipulated by a puppeteer. 
| It is usually but not always a depiction of a human character and is used in 
| (a) play or a presentation. The puppet undergoes a process of transformation 
| through being animated, and is normally manipulated by one, or sometimes more 
| than one, puppeteer. Some puppets can be moved electronically." Does Novell 
| qualify as an OOXML puppet?     


All sides of the debate?

,----[ Quote ]
| How many sides are there in the OOXML debate? What if all sides are Microsoft 
| and Microsoft business partners? 
| [...]
| Dough Mahugh (Microsoft) :
|     Next week's XML 2007 conference in Boston features speakers from all 
|     sides of the document format debate, including a document interop session 
|     with Miguel de Icaza (Novell) and Vijay Rajagopalan (Microsoft) that I 
|     expect will offer a lively discussion around Open XML, ODF, and XML-based 
|     interoperability in general.    


OpenSolaris, Gobuntu, and be careful who you kiss

,----[ Quote ]
| I read the agreement between Xandros and Microsoft, and one of the excluded 
| products was Mono, so Microsoft promises to not sue Xandros over their 
| distribution but excluding Mono and a few other products, i.e. they reserve 
| the right to sue over Mono. I wonder if this is an interesting preview of on 
| what basis they want to fight the free world.    
| Interestingly, the Novell deal seems to be different, Mono is not excluded 
| from the Novell deal. So Microsoft seems to be promising not to sue Novell 
| over Mono, but keeps the option open for Xandros. Weird but true.  


Miguel, Mono and Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| is Mono's role in the deal that of a hook to make customers write
| .NET applications because they can be run on Linux - only to find
| later on that they are armless or legless because of a change in
| the .NETspecifications, a change which Microsoft decides not to
| make public?
| [...]
| And here we have an individual who decides to replicate one of
| the proprietary company's development environments - for reasons
| best known to him alone - and keeps telling people that the reason
| he's doing it is so that he can pull people over from the
| proprietary company's side to his side!!!


Available Now: OpenOffice.org Novell Edition for Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| Let's consider a couple of the features that you get in the Novell
| Edition but are not likely to have been integrated into upstream OOo yet:
|     * Excel VBA Macro execution
|     * Performance improvements
|     * AGFA fonts
|     * Better Bullets (now in upstream OOo)
|     * Simple Solver
|     * GroupWise integration


Sun Refuses LGPL for OpenOffice; Novell forks

,----[ Quote ]
| Because of Sun's refusal to accept LPGL extensions in the upstream code, 
| Michael Meeks (who recently talked about Sun's OO.o community failings, and 
| ODF and OOXML) has announced ooo-build (previously just for build fixes) is 
| now a formal fork of OpenOffice to be located at http://go-oo.org/.    


Questions I'd like to see asked about the Microsoft-Novell deal

,----[ Quote ]
| The questions asked as part of this study were about as open-ended
| and wishy-washy as you could get. Researchers asked customers
| deploying a mix of Windows, SuSE Linux and Red Hat Linux whether
| they were in favor of more vendor interoperability. They asked
| customers if they believed it would be helpful if Microsoft
| worked more closely with Linux vendors. They asked whether they
| approved of the Microsoft-Novell collaboration. And they
| questioned whether users "take responsibility for the
| intellectual property in the products they ship."
| The only question on PSB's list that I found remotely interesting
| was whether users would be any more likely to buy SuSE Linux as a
| result of the Microsoft-Novell deal. Sixty-nine percent said yes.
| (I'm actually surprised this number isn't higher.)


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