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[News] PC Magazine Gift Recommendations Are All Linux-based

  • Subject: [News] PC Magazine Gift Recommendations Are All Linux-based
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 22:00:15 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Intriguing Holiday Gifts

,----[ Quote ]
| Featured in this Roundup:
| FrontOLPC XO-1 ($399 direct to donate one, get one—until December 31, 2007)
| The XO-1 laptop by the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) initiative is a 
| game-changer for disadvantaged children in developing countries. For a 
| limited time you can benefit as well.  
| AngleASUS Eee PC 4G ($400 street)
| Despite its minor annoyances, the ASUS Eee PC 4G—a 2-pound ultraportable—is 
| sleek, versatile, and well worth the $400. 
| Amazon Kindle - FrontAmazon Kindle ($400 direct)
| It's pricey, but Amazon's Kindle is the e-book's best hope to make the best 
| seller list.  


All Linux-based. Some are self-built:

Seller Beware - Hemorrhage of Customers Ahead

,----[ Quote ]
| Just a side note to humbly remind you that Komputers4Kids is in need of some 
| help in order for us to get our influx of Christmas season orders met. We are 
| looking at 18 computers to build in the next 7 days...and getting the fuel in 
| the vehicles to deliver and set them up. Any help you could provide us will 
| be appreciated long after this season is over.    


The hidden installed base of GNU/Linux.


Linux Drives Hot Holiday PCs

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux machines are cheaper and often more energy efficient than their Windows 
| and Mac counterparts. 


Why I Will Recommend Linux To Family This Year

,----[ Quote ]
| So, my approach to Linux in the family would be to start with the kids!  
| Okay, I’ll give you a hint, I already have started with them on Linux, and 
| it’s working.   


Asus Eee

,----[ Quote ]
| For her birthday, I bought Leslee a Asus Eee (pronounced E).  I've had my eye 
| out for an ultraportable laptop for her for a while.  So far, I'd only found 
| very expensive ultraportables.  When this came out, and was available in the 
| $350-400 range, I jumped at it.  For some, the fact that it runs Linux might 
| be a deterrent, but definitely not for me.    
| [...]
| Leslee tells me every day how much she loves it.  I bought it for her, so 
| that's what matters.  The fact that it exposes her to Linux and open source 
| software is a nice bonus.  


Ten things you can do to help open source

,----[ Quote ]
| Open source is all about the community multiplying individual efforts: at 
| whatever level you can, doing something you care about will bring rewards for 
| all.  


Gift Ideas for Linux Users

,----[ Quote ]
| Do you have a friend who finally got tired of all the crashes and bugs that 
| come with Windows? Did they switch to Linux and now swear by it? Then these 
| are the perfect gift ideas for your shopping list. The following gift ideas 
| are perfect for all penguin loving Linux users.   


Nothing Says Holiday Cheer Like Free Software

,----[ Quote ]
| You can also play Santa yourself and show up with your list in hand. Many 
| people would appreciate a little help with the installation process, so you 
| can just load the software for them -- or even install a Linux distro like 
| Ubuntu or Fedora that comes bundled with lots of basic applications most 
| people will find helpful. Installing Linux is so easy these days, almost 
| anyone can do it -- but you can keep that piece of news totally secret!     


Kindle, Eee PC top Amazon.com 'most wanted' list

,----[ Quote]
| Ironically, perhaps, it was the N810 that was the only meachine ahead of the 
| Eee PC in Amazon.com's list of best-selling notebooks. Even though the N810 
| isn't a notebook, in the true, computery sense of the word.  


Top-10 gift ideas for the Linux Gadget Geek

,----[ Quote ]
| Got a Linux Gadget Geek on your shopping list? You can't fail with a gift 
| from this guide to the ten hottest Linux-powered devices gleaned from 
| LinuxDevices.com's news throughout 2007. There's something for everyone, at 
| prices from $150 to $1,000, organized from least to most expensive. Enjoy!   


There's No System Like Linux for the Holidays

,----[ Quote ]
| Holiday shopping season is about to hit full swing, and personal computers 
| already rank high on many people's wish lists. If you're going to give the 
| gift of a new PC, should you consider giving one with Linux? If the receiver 
| is a tech-savvy individual, it may be the perfect gift, and the growing 
| availability of preloaded machines means setup headaches are easily avoided.    


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