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Re: [News] Linux: Deployed, Not Sold; Vista: Sold, Not Deployed

____/ wjp on Monday 17 December 2007 17:37 : \____

> //snipped for brevity//
>>(Anyone else remember notchers to create "flippies"? :-) )
>>Very interesting times we live in. :-)
> Hello Ghost,
> Still have my "notcher".  The last time I used it was in the mid 80's
> when my main machines were an Atari 130XE and a couple of
> Apple //e's.
> As an aside to Roy:  This was an excellent topic.  Yes, I'm still
> plugging along with Windows XP -- my major stumbling block right now is
> a replacement for Quicken.  Yes, I know I can run it inside of a virtual
> session, however, I've not had the time to research the methods and
> procedures..
> Oh, and another BTW:  PCLinuxOS Rocks!  (I have a tripple-boot on this
> machine:  98se, XP and PCLinuxOS.)

98SE was a decent O/S _at the time_ (the last version of Windows that I used).
It has been almost 10 years, however, and too little has improved (blame
monopolies for seeing no progress). I remember what Linux looked like 8 years
ago and /boy/ has there been progress. Windows was left behing quite a few
years ago, as a _desktop_ platform. The same goes for Mac OS. OS 9 was roughly
on par with Windows XP, but OS 9 was prettier.
> Takin' it one day at a time,
> Bill Powell
> AKA Bonus Bill
> "Every day above ground is a bonus, Bill"

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Useless fact: Every polar bear is left-handed
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