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[News] Apple's Leopard Compared to GNU/Linux, Mac Users in Denial

  • Subject: [News] Apple's Leopard Compared to GNU/Linux, Mac Users in Denial
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 04:11:28 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Review: Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon takes on Mac OS X Leopard for the OS of the Year

,----[ Quote ]
| Today we have a technological cage match involving two operating systems, 
| both UNIX- based, both mature, both with passionate detractors and even more 
| passionate defenders, and both released just a week apart. I'm talking, of 
| course, about Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon), with its final release on October 
| 18, and Apple' s Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, which was available for purchase on 
| October 26.     


Apple vs. Linux: Which Will Win Disgruntled Windows Users?

,----[ Quote ]
| Apple and Linux are engaged in battle – a battle to win over disgruntled 
| Windows users. But who will win, and what will the consequences be for the 
| loser?  


Apple users: as far removed from Woz as possible

,----[ Quote ]
| It does not take much to get the Apple user community up in arms - just a 
| mention that there may be a defect in Mac OS X is sufficient to invite abuse, 
| ridicule and plain silliness as though there is even  one operating system in 
| this world of ours which is perfect.   



Wozniak hates Open Sauce

,----[ Quote ]
| In an interview with eWeek, Woz said that there are always people who want 
| things to be free and the open-source movement starts with those sort of 
| people.  


Apple’s options for stopping open source iPhone use

,----[ Quot ]
| While Apple isn’t going to passively watch while others develop open-source 
| programs for its devices, it isn’t clear how aggressively the company plans 
| to go after hackers. Steve Jobs called the back-and-forth battle between 
| Apple and hackers a “a cat-and-mouse game” where “people will try to break 
| in, and it's our job to stop them breaking in,” but he didn’t give specific 
| details on what the company planned to do.     


iPod Classic Will Be Supported

,----[ Quote ]
| As recently reported on Slashdot, Apple, in its infinite wisdom, has added a 
| checksum to the iPod database apparently to restrict non-iTunes products 
| (like Amarok via libgpod) from having the ability to add music.  
| [...]
| From #gtkpod today:
| <wtbw> okay guys
| <wtbw> i think we're done.
| <wtbw> let me code something just to check
| [30 minutes later]
| <wtbw> can i hear a fuck yeah?
| <wtbw> works for both mine and xamphears :>


iPhone unlocking software: open source developers where are you?  

,----[ Quote ]
| Meanwhile, an open source iPhoneSIMFree or software like it could provide a 
| perfectly legal antidote to the restrictions currently in place. 
| The question then is are there any open source developers out there smart 
| enough to come up with this much needed iPhone cracking solution? Come on, 
| the world is waiting for you to make your name.  


Forget iPhone, the Gphone is here

,----[ Quote ]
| Google, the nearly $13.5 billion search engine major, is believed to be a 
| fortnight away from the worldwide launch of its much-awaited Google Phone 
| (Gphone) and has started talks with service providers in India for an 
| exclusive launch on one of their networks.   


Closed iPhone opens road for Linux phones

,----[ Summary ]
| With iPhone a closed platform, Linux gets an wide-open road for phones and 
| other smart devices 


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