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Re: Can anyone translate from Markish to English, please?

Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> * Gordon fired off this tart reply:
>> "Tim Smith" <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
>> news:13mjhnripeekn83@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> On 2007-12-19, Gordon <gbplinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> That's nice.  Now tell the patent offices in the EU and the member
>>> states, since they have issued, and continue to issue, software patents.
>> Well I'VE never seen ANY retail boxed software with "patent no xxxxxxxx" on 
>> the box. Can you provide an example? 
> Check out the Help About in MS Word, if you can lay hands on that thing.

Except they're not valid in the EU.  Even if the EU patent office thinks
it has granted them - it has not, because it cannot.

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