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[News] Ubuntu's Community Manager Talks About a Great GNU/Linux Year

  • Subject: [News] Ubuntu's Community Manager Talks About a Great GNU/Linux Year
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 16:08:26 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
2007 in Review, 2008 on the Drawing Board

,----[ Quote ]
| 2007 has been a stunning year for Open Source - the machine continues to get 
| sleeker, smoother, and is rampaging on in its mission to kick arse and take 
| names. Irrespective of competition, distributions, companies and brands, I 
| think 2007 has been an excellent year for the core ideal and ethos of Open 
| Source and Free Software. We have seen growth, acceptance, successes and a 
| continuation of form that sees our world blur into the wider world, while 
| retaining our core principles and ideals.      
| It has also been a great year for Ubuntu. This is my first full year working 
| at Canonical, and it has been a joy to not only see the growth in the 
| community but a growth in the business impact of Ubuntu and the technology 
| continue to grow, mature and refine. I am really pleased to see more and more 
| OEMs shipping with Ubuntu, and I have been chuffed to bits to see the 
| community evolve, and our processes scale when the crunch is on. We still 
| have lots of work to do, but we are getting there, and boy do we have a great 
| community to help us all get there together. There has not been a day pass by 
| when I haven’t felt privileged to work with such an inspiring group of 
| contributors.         


7 reasons why you should use Ubuntu?

,----[ Quote ]
| I have been using Ubuntu for 4 days now. It makes me addicted to it. 


Quote for the day:

"Microsoft never asked me if it was OK to send in this number, and they never
said it was being sent. They are apparently building a database that relates
Ethernet adapter addresses to personal information."

                --Robert M. Smith


Top Five Open Source Stories Of 2007

,----[ Quote ]
| It's been a landmark year for open source, and in so many different ways that 
| even a casual survey of the year's events will range far and wide.  Here's a 
| quick rundown of what to me were the top five open source events of the 
| year -- not an exhaustive list, of course, but the things that best reflected 
| how important and widely entrenched open source software (especially Linux) 
| has become.     


Editors' retrospective -- Linux Devices in 2007

,----[ Quote ]
|     * Mobile Internet tablets took off, fueled by Nokia's N800 and N810 
|     models, as well as Intel's Mobile Internet Device (MID) project... 
|     * The mobile browser wars began in earnest, with commercial vendors like 
|     Opera, Access, and OpenWave taking a backseat to open source browser 
|     projects...  
|     * As the "post-PC" world shifts attention from desktops and laptops to 
|     new form factors such as mobile Internet tablets... 


2007 Roundup: Open source comes of age

,----[ Quote ]
| Two major open source projects finally came to fruition in 2007, bringing 
| with them major headlines. 
| The One Laptop Per Child project finally rolled its first machines off the 
| production line, and the latest version of the GNU General Public Licence 
| arrived after 18 months of hard draft.  
| The OLPC had a rocky year, after orders placed with Nigeria in 2006 were 
| cancelled at the last minute. The country ditched the OLPC XO laptops in 
| favour of Intel's Classmate PCs.  
| OLPC was started in 2005 to create a laptop that cost only $100 to 
| manufacture, although the cost has almost doubled since then. 
| The Linux-based machines started a trend among manufacturers and retailers. 
| Asus created a competing notebook called the Eee PC, which sold for $350 in 
| the US.  
| Wal-Mart offered a similar idea to US consumers by selling $200 Ubuntu Linux 
| PCs which sold out in less than two weeks. 


Five desktop Linux highlights of 2007

,----[ Quote ]
| That's a lot of disgruntled users, and some of them are now looking to Linux 
| and Mac OS X for a replacement. So, I'll end this year's survey of the best 
| of the Linux desktop with a salute to the worst of Microsoft's desktop. If it 
| weren't for Vista, far fewer people would be giving Linux a chance. Thanks, 
| Bill and Steve, we couldn't have done it without you.     


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