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[News] Linux (Smart)Phones Can Match Capabilities of PCs

  • Subject: [News] Linux (Smart)Phones Can Match Capabilities of PCs
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 16:52:55 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Android: Changing the Mobile Game

,----[ Quote ]
| John Bruggeman, chief marketing officer of Linux software provider Wind River 
| Systems, digs into the technical, business model and open source implications 
| of Android and the Open Handset Alliance -- but he goes a step further. 
| Android will lead, he says, to a new class of potentially free mobile 
| Internet devices that do everything a PC does.    


Quote for the day:

"Whenever you license technology to Microsoft, you have to understand it can
someday build it itself, drop it into the operating system and put you out of
that business."

                                --Douglas Colbeth, president of Spyglass


Google's Secret Weapon

,----[ Quote ]
| "[Google is] an example of a company that literally couldn't have existed in 
| the same form pre-Linux or pre-open source," says Jim Zemlin, executive 
| director of The Linux Foundation -- the organization that pays Linus Torvalds 
| to work on the Linux kernel. "If they had to rely on Microsoft or Sun, not 
| only would it have been too expensive, they could not have done the 
| modifications necessary to create their services."     
| The last point is confirmed by Google's Open Source Programs Manager Chris 
| DiBona, who joined the company in August 2004 to oversee and coordinate its 
| open source activities: "The thing about open source [is], it's kind of like 
| it's yours. Considering that Google does an insane amount of software 
| development, if we had to have some of the restrictions that heavily 
| proprietary would present us, we couldn't develop at the speed that we do."      


Google releases Android SDK

,----[ Quote ]
| Google has released an SDK (software development kit) that programmers can 
| use to create cell-phone applications for the company’s Android mobile 
| platform.  


Why Google sponsored Android is set to be a market force

,----[ Quote ]
| Conversely, the report notes that Android will be less attractive to those 
| that want Linux as a kernel with their own differentiated 
| applications. “Android may induce handset manufacturers to differentiate more 
| on hardware-specific features, such as usability, enhancing the Web 
| experience,” the analysts said.    


What Android means for Apple, MS, open source, enterprises

,----[ Quote ]
| The GPhone never happened, but Android is a much more significant development
| [...]
| A better approach, argues Dan Kohn, COO of the Linux Foundation, is to pick 
| one set of standards that IT will support for calendaring, email 
| applications, VPN and so on, and tell users they can use any mobile phone 
| compatible with those standards.   
| [...]
| What Android means for open source and Linux
| Linux already has a major presence on mobile phones, but the entrance of 
| Google and the Open Handset Alliance — which has 34 member organisations 
| worldwide — adds to the momentum.  
| "We're a huge believer in diversity of options on mobile phones," Kohn of the 
| Linux Foundation says. "Linux is already an important, growing presence 
| there. I think having the Google software as an additional open source option 
| is only going to accelerate that adoption."   


Linux Sees 'Astronomic' Growth in Mobile Devices

,----[ Quote ]
| "We were very aware that the growth in mobile for Linux was huge, but we 
| didn't know it was so astronomic," Amanda McPherson, marketing director for 
| the Linux Foundation, told LinuxInsider. "These are very encouraging 
| numbers." Why Linux has drawn significant support from the community of 
| handset manufacturers can be explained on several fronts, McPherson said.    


Funambol CEO Fabrizio Capobianco: Linux Is Mobile's Future

,----[ Quote ]
| LinuxInsider met with Capobianco to discuss his view on the role of open 
| source in creating Mobile 2.0 as a voice and data carrier parallel to the 
| Internet. The meeting occurred in the wake of Google's announcement earlier 
| this month that it was negotiating with wireless carriers, handset makers, 
| software developers and hardware providers to use an open source mobile 
| platform, Android.     


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