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[News] [SOT] Software Patents Invalid Without a Physical Device

  • Subject: [News] [SOT] Software Patents Invalid Without a Physical Device
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 03:12:47 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
The Narrowing Of Patentable Subject Matter By The Federal Circuit: In re
Nuijten And In re Comiskey

,----[ Quote ]
| Until very recently, the scope of patentable subject matter under the Patent 
| Act encompassed four categories – process, machine, manufacture, or 
| composition of matter. These were broadly construed to encompass just about 
| anything manmade. However, with the In re Nuijten and In re Comiskey 
| opinions, explained and compared in this article, the Federal Circuit 
| substantially narrowed what was previously thought to be within the purview 
| of 35 U.S. C. § 101. The Federal Circuit held that a business method, if not 
| combined with a machine, is not patentable, and that a signal, on its own, is 
| similarly not patentable. These decisions create three new conditions for 
| patentability not previously recognized by case law: a "technological arts" 
| requirement, a "non-transience requirement, and a "tangibility" requirement.          


Other patent/IPR news:

Appeals court rules against Google in patent suit

,----[ Quote ]
| An appeals court has reinstated a patent lawsuit filed against Google over a 
| toolbar feature called AutoLink that provides links to online maps or books 
| on Amazon.com, according to a Bloomberg News report.  


Chinese court dismisses trademark suit against Google

,----[ Quote ]
| A court in China has dismissed a trademark lawsuit filed against Google, 
| according to a report on ChinaCourt.org that was translated into English and 
| posted on Pacific Epoch.  


RIM seeks patent for angled Blackberry keyboard

,----[ Quote ]
| Just when you've gotten to the point where you can type on your BlackBerry 
| upside down in the dark, they're thinking about changing the keyboard. 


Don't many ergonomic keyboards already serve as prior art?

Quote for the day:

"trangely, after the court of appeals decision [denying public access to the
depositions], [Mr. Gates] suddenly became available for tomorrow morning."

                                --David Boies, Special trial counsel for the DOJ


Grisoft subpoenas Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| The website, alleges Grisoft, infringes its copyrights and trademarks.
| The lawyers said: "The website's proponent, with MSN's facilitation, is 
| taking a 'free ride' on our clients rights" and the proponent of the website 
| is distributing AVG software for a fee.  


School sues Microsoft over copyright

,----[ Quote ]
| But it's complicated because the wire reports Microsoft Philippines bought 
| licences to print the manual back in 2004. 


Microsoft to eBay name for $1m

,----[ Quote ]
| Portuguese outfit Microsoft Lda aims to cash in on its name by eBaying the 
| brand and business for a starting price of $1m, Reuters reports. 


Portuguese firm Microsoft to auction name on eBay



Microsoft infringing on one of Apple Patents?

,----[ Quote ]
| Keep in mind I am not a patent researcher, and I am sure Apple is not 
| going to sue Microsoft for abusing one of their patents, but it does 
| at least look like Microsoft is abusing this patent. 


Handling of Microsoft's copyleft violation

,----[ Quote ]
| A member of the Microsoft packaged software team lifting one of my
| images is definitely a case where the infringing party should have
| known better, as the company routinely takes action to protect its
| own IP.


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