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Re: [News] National 'Security' Agency Gets Cozy with Linux, Schneier Talks in Linux Conference

Micoshaft Asstroturfer PEDRO LITTLE flatly wrote:

> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:1464332.yROCMdId8b@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Bruce Almighty: Schneier preaches security to Linux faithful
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Schneier is one of three keynote speakers at Linux.conf.au 2008 and
>> speaks
>> | with Dahna McConnachie about his presentation, books and thoughts.
>> `----
>> http://www.computerworld.com.au/index.php/id;1891124482
>> Schneier and the NSA are no friends. He exposed their dirty little
>> schemes.
> And Bruce Schneier is the same person who has thorougly debunked the BS
> myth that Microsoft has embedded a secret NSA backdoor into Windows. Yet
> scumbags like Roy "the liar" Schestowitz continues to post articles
> claiming that such a backdoor does exist.

Your obsessions with Roy's posts are legendary.

You should focus all that energy on Balding Blammer at Micoshaft
Corporation. I seem to remember you wanting a blow up
doll - a she male version of blammer - to keep you fixated
and obsessed on the rights things.

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