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Re: [News] Big Media Conspiracy Wants BitTorrent Dead Permanently

* Roy Schestowitz fired off this tart reply:

> IFPI: ISPs Should Block BitTorrent and The Pirate Bay
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) is trying to 
>| convince European lawmakers that ISPs should take extreme measures to fight 
>| piracy. They suggest that ISPs should block access to websites such as The 
>| Pirate Bay, and block filesharing protocols, no matter what they?re being 
>| used for.    
> `----
> http://torrentfreak.com/isps-should-block-bittorrent-and-tpb-071226/
> They can kill the protocols, legitimate use will end (e.g. Linux ISOs), and
> their so-called 'pirates' will find new alternatives routes anyway. They'll
> just knife the baby and the bathwater will stay.

I'm sure they can do stuff with Microsoft SOAP on port 80 <cackle>

Tux rox!

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