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Re: [News] Mark Shuttleworth Spills Money to Increase Linux Adoption

On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 15:11:53 -0500, amicus_curious wrote:

> "Rick" <none@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:13n00g33rr8hh76@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 13:39:56 -0500, amicus_curious wrote:
>>> <thad05@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>> news:feq445-vgr.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> And that multi-billion dollar stock buyback was on top of a muti-
>>>> billion dollar dividend payout (something they never had to do when
>>>> thy were a 'growth' investment).  MS is far from dead, but things are
>>>> not as rosy at One Microsoft Way as they used to be.  It means less
>>>> money to dump into new product development, acquisitions, and efforts
>>>> to compete with Linux/OSS.
>>>> Linux and OSS remain immune to the pressures that threaten many
>>>> proprietary technologies during times of slow economic growth.
>>> Do you really believe that?  It seems odd to me that anyone with a
>>> college education could be so blind to facts.  Mr. Softee is funding
>>> developments at a higher rate than ever and has made a greater profit
>>> this year than ever before in their history.  Now you can say this is
>>> a sign of impending failure, but I would then say that you are daft.
>> It is a sign of inflation, and the effects of an illegally maintined
>> monopoly. And there is no one named "Mr. Softee".
> Oh, Mr. Softee's 

There is no one named Mr. Softee.

> profits have grown a lot faster than inflation, if you
> care to look, and it is definitely not the effect of an illegally
> maintained monopoly.  You would like to think so, I imagine, but that is
> just your own fantasy.

It is the network effects of an illegally maintained monopoly that has 
fueled the continued sales of Microsoft products.

>>> Whatever would the OSS bunch copy if/when the commercial companies
>>> stopped creating new products?
>> Whatever would Microsoft copy if/when other companies stop producing
>> new products?
> Microsoft doesn't copy things the way that OSS does.

AHa hHA hhah HAHHAh ahah aha HAHah aha hAH ah.

>  You miss the woods
> for the trees here.  Microsoft will take a new technology concept and
> develop it into a commercially viable product or new feature for an
> existing product. 

Embrace, extend, extinguish.

> If/when it proves popular, the OSS bunch will
> generally clone it to some extent if not exactly.  This negates somewhat
> the commercial vitality of the technology and spurs Microsoft and other
> successful companies on to seek newer and better things to develop into
> more products.

Well, it might spurt other companies to truly innovate.

> To put it into your perspective, it is the well-funded city Fire
> Departments that provide the money for the fire engine companies to
> invent better and better equipment so that the rustics like yourself
> have used equipment to buy for your amateurs.  OSS would disappear
> overnight if commercial software were to vanish.

You show your bigoted ignorance. You don't know spit about volunteer 
emergency services, and yet you continue to make your disgusting insults.

>>> Do you see some kind of "open marketing community" arising out of thin
>>> air to guide future development of OSS? Unlikely, in my opinion.
>> Market should not direct development.
> "Marketing", silly.  That's where the ideas for new products come from.
> Certainly not from you old curmudgeons and your pipe dreams of a
> distorted reality.

You keep showing your ignorance.

>> And, BTW, Mozilla's Firefox continues to take userbase from IE.
> Does it?

Yes, it does.

>  And what is the net net of it anyway?  As long as people use
> it on Windows on the desktop, more power to them, I say.  And the
> Firefox folks will tire of the game soon enough.  Nothing in it for them
> but association with the likes of you and chrisv and 7 and such.

You're a bigoted, and stupid, liar.


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