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Re: Why does Roy ignore IBM?

* Tim Smith fired off this tart reply:

> In article <cl2u35-0cg.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
>  Jim Richardson <warlock@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> it's not the study that's being objected to, is my impression from the
>> post, but the payment for it. 
> But it is only being objected to when MS does it, not when Sun or IBM or 
> Apple do it.  It's perfectly normal to give the participants in a 
> usability study (or pretty much any other kind of study that takes more 
> than a few minutes time and is done at your facility) some freebies, 
> such as software.
> This is simply another example of Roy purposefully being misleading 
> about Microsoft.

You're making the mistake of thinking that, because a poster
concentrates on one entity, his lack of treatment of other entities
constitutes agreement about those entities.

If you have doubts about a given post by Roy, all you have to do is read
it and reply.

Tux rox!

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