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Re: Romanian President Slaps Linux In The Face!

  • Subject: Re: Romanian President Slaps Linux In The Face!
  • From: "cc" <scatnubbs@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: 3 Feb 2007 16:03:45 -0800
  • Complaints-to: groups-abuse@google.com
  • In-reply-to: <PMudnRWzcMuAv1jYnZ2dnUVZ_uzinZ2d@bresnan.com>
  • Injection-info: v33g2000cwv.googlegroups.com; posting-host=; posting-account=iV1-IA0AAACr6SRlBDB8SHJD-SBPrpX6
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: http://groups.google.com
  • References: <1170545821.203359.170580@j27g2000cwj.googlegroups.com> <PMudnRWzcMuAv1jYnZ2dnUVZ_uzinZ2d@bresnan.com>
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On Feb 3, 7:00 pm, Maverick <S...@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Robert wrote:
> > Traian Basescu seems to think stealing Windows was more beneficial for
> > his country (Romania) than widespread legal use of Linux would have
> > been for the Romanian IT industry. He said that stealing Microsoft
> > Windows was a huge benefit for Romania right in front of Bill Gates
> > face!
> > Gates must have been laughing his head off on the plane from Bucarest
> > to Seattle.
> Not likely.  Gates is still pissing his pants that Vista can't outdo
> Apples Tiger version of os.  And wait till Leopard comes out.
> Then he'll crap his pants.
> Just you watch... the news media will show Gates in brown pants.

Will Roy post Anti-Tiger news then? Or will he move back to discussing
Linux finally? Anyone want to put down some money?

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