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[News] Sun Attempts to Attract Linux Developers

Comparison of Solaris OS and Linux for Application Developers

,----[ Quote ]
| Many developers are writing applications to run under the Linux 
| operating system. With the many new features of the Solaris 10
| OS, and with the new emphasis Sun has placed on supporting the
| Solaris OS on AMD and Intel processor-based machines, developers
| are becoming interested in being able to develop their
| applications on the Solaris platform. 


Solaris vs. Linux: Ecosystem-based Approach and Framework for the Comparison
in Large Enterprise Environments

,----[ Quote ]
| The paper tries to provide a more sober assessment of relative merits
| of those two OSes in large enterprise IT environment and concentrates
| on the nonpolitical, real world issues of administering multiple
| flavors of Unix servers in such an environment. 



Study: Developers Favor Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| "Regardless of what kind of developer you are, you're still trying to
| make a living, and target the operating system that?s controlling the
| market."
| However, in the most recent survey, the developers' forecast of their
| target platform has changed. For the first time, these developers said
| that in the next 12 to 18 months they expect to be developing more Linux
| apps than Windows apps. 


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