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[News] Reviews of SaxenOS and SimplyMEPIS

SaxenOS and SimplyMEPIS - bumps in the middle of the road

,----[ Quote ]
| SaxenOS 2.0 Beta 1
| [...]
| I've always liked STX and can say I believe I like SaxenOS even better.
| It's still wonderful for older hardware and now with 2.0 it is easier
| to install and use. It's always fast, stable, and fairly complete. I
| feel like the version bump perhaps should have come at the beginning
| of this development cycle due to the massive interface changes, so
| it is definitely justified now.
| [...]
| SimplyMEPIS 6.5 Beta 5
| [...]
| Despite KDE still being version 3.5.3 and much of the same software
| is offered, the updated look and feel as well as the X server and
| promise of Beryl does seem to justify a version bump mid-cycle
| for SimplyMEPIS.


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