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Re: [News] Microsoft Blames Pirates for Its Failures, Will Hit Poor Nations Harder

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> It's a bit repetitive, but here are some more nuggets of information I
> didn't mention the last time.
> Ballmer hints at tougher Vista antipiracy crackdown
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | According to the Business Software Alliance, an antipiracy watchdog
> | group for the software industry, counterfeits accounted for 86
> | percent of the software sold in China, 72 percent in India, 64
> | percent in Brazil and 83 percent in Russia. The figures are 2005
> | estimates, the last year for which data is available.
> | 
> | [...]
> | 
> | It appears that Ballmer doesn't agree, for he hinted that Vista's
> | antipiracy features might be tightened even more. "We [will]
> | really ferret through how far we can dial it up, and what that
> | means for customer experience and customer satisfaction," he said.
> `----
> http://www.arnnet.com.au/index.php/id;7680622;fp;16;fpid;1
> This will give one heck of a boost to Linux.

That is bad really, it doesn't really matter that it is Vista, all of those
countries who flaunt international law, it can't be a good thing. It also
means that those in the west who it seems are less likely to pirate, are
paying much more for their OS than they should be paying, I wouldn't like
the idea that I was compensating for China's licence cheating, I still
haven't forgiven China for killing all the birds, chinese wisdom my arse,
brain dead I would call it, "lets kill all the birds to get better crops",
one year later, "Oh no, the huge rise in insects has destroyed more crops
than the birds have ever damaged!".

I think MS would be right to tighten anti-piracy, goodness knows how though.
I bet your right sock that they could disable those pirated ones you know,
might risk disabling a few none pirated ones too, plus of cause not
everyone who has bought a PC with a pirate on it will know that it isn't a
legal copy. MS can trigger that 'Kill the pirate copy' code if they want
to, I'm ok with it.

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