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Re: [News] Linux and Free Beer in the Boston Globe

On Sun, 18 Feb 2007 17:19:32 +0000, Roy Schestowitz
<newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>Well, as in 'free software.' Bringing the open source movement to brewing.
>,----[ Quote ]
>| See the success of the Linux operating system and the Firefox browser,
>| to name two examples.
>| What does this all have to do with Free Beer? Well, the founder
>| of the free software movement is a man named Richard Stallman,
>| and he's still very much a presence. Stallman directs the Free
>| Software Foundation, which, through its GNU Project (www.gnu.org),
>| administers the licenses that make Linux and other free software
>| available. Faced with frequent puzzlement over how "free software"
>| could be free if it cost money (and is able to support
>| billion-dollar investments from the likes of IBM, in the case 
>| of Linux), Stallman came up with a simple explanation: "think
>| of 'free' as in 'free speech,' not 'free beer.'"

Open source FOOD!!! Cracks me up!

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