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[no subject]

They had a "plan" to remake 3D graphics in the GUI paradigm

Guess what: Microsoft failed.   See my comments on Vista.   Linux is way
ahead with Beryl because it's been ahead for 3 years!

Now Roy, I have great respect for you...but I just don't see what you see.  
I see Microsoft as basically an aging Hollywood Star.   It's simply trying
to lean on every up and coming thing to keep itself in the limelight.  
However, as the years go by and by, it's less and less irrelevent.   Yes,
Microsoft will throw fits, and Bill Gates will stamp his feet up on stage
and cry "I'm Somebody"...but the audience has grown tired...and smaller.

As far as Novell, I see them as shield for Linux.   I've said it before.  
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

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