On Sat, 17 Feb 2007 10:22:35 -0800, Tim Smith wrote:
> In article <pan.2007.>,
> Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Maybe so, but your bothering to count all this just to make an attack Roy
>> isn't exactly stellar behaviour, is it? I'd like to see all the yap about
>> Windows/Vista/MS cut down a good deal, but you won't get anywhere by
>> posting stupid stuff like this.
> So, you'd like to see all that yap cut down, but you don't want to
> discuss how much yap there is?
This isn't discussion, it's Erik having a go at Roy. You think Roy is
going to listen to someone who insults him, rather than someone who points
out better ways of getting his message across?
Roy isn't the only person yapping about Vista, etc, is he?