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Re: No Point to this Newsgroup

  • Subject: Re: No Point to this Newsgroup
  • From: William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 12:01:44 +0000
  • Desktop: http://www.sun.com/software/looking_glass/details.xml
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: The Orbiting Anvil & Spammhammer Company
  • Os: Kubuntu 1.10 - Edgy Eft
  • Pgp-key: 0xD074FE94
  • Posted-by: The Potrzebie Appreciation Society
  • References: <UnJzh.6239$sd2.2309@news-server.bigpond.net.au> <pan.2007.> <reply_in_group-80D0CB.16083111022007@news.supernews.com> <pan.2007.>
  • Rule-1: Googlegroups "The Home of Trolls" filtered out.
  • Rule-2: M$ Outlook Express posts deleted at server level.
  • Rule-3: Anonymous remailers deleted at server level.
  • Rule-4: X-no-archive-yes posters deleted at server level.
  • Rule-5: Crossposts deleted at server level.
  • User-agent: Pan 0.122 (ubuntu/debian)
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:493716
On Sun, 11 Feb 2007 17:46:50 +0000, RonB wrote:

> On Sun, 11 Feb 2007 16:08:31 -0800, Tim Smith wrote:
>> Aren't you bothered by the inaccuracies?  Roy has a tendency to write
>> subject lines and summaries that misrepresent what the linked article
>> actually says.  If you follow the links and read the stories, that's not
>> much of a problem, but the natural tendency would be to become lazy, and
>> just take the out-of-context quote and Roy's summary and headline, and
>> then *think* you've got the story.
> I haven't seen the inaccuracies you speak of but I don't follow every
> story to its link. 

Funny how Smith whines about Roy, but doesn't say anything about the
trolls....is that because *he* is one?

> This is how it works for me. I see the "headlines" and the quoted text
> -- if the story interests me, I follow the link. By then the headline
> doesn't matter. If the story is good, it'll stand on its own. 

I suspect that's what a few of us do.

> Roy's links have led me to two good distributions -- CentOS, and SLAX. I
> didn't know about either until I saw them mentioned in his news
> headlines. I've gotten a lot of Linux information by following his links
> -- and I'm thankful for that.
> Does Roy sometimes have his own ax to grind? Sure, but who doesn't? So
> what?
>> BTW, if you really do find Roy's stories useful (e.g., you value
>> convenience over accuracy), you can get them with RSS here:
>> <feed://www.netscape.com/member/schestowitz/activity/stories/rss>
> Why? I already read this newsgroup anyhow. I like getting the news here.

>> or via the web here:
>> <http://www.netscape.com/member/schestowitz/activity/stories>
> See above.

Yes, who cares (apart from whining trolls)? 

>> The advantage of getting Roy's posts via netscape.com is you can see
>> how people are voting on them, and more easily avoid the particularly
>> inaccurate ones, as those won't garner many votes.

Is Smith *that* naive, "people are voting on them"? I suspect the majority
of the "voters" are trolls. Ergo I don't give a goddam about netscape.com

> Are you talking about Google Groups? As far as I'm concerned the whole
> post voting scheme there is for small-minded dimwits who really, really
> need to get a life. I've never "voted" on a post in my life -- and I'm
> sure as hell not going to start now. I simply ignore those so-called
> "ratings" -- and only use Google Groups for research.


Contrary to popular belief, trolls *can*
tell the difference between their arse
& their elbow. 
They can't talk out of their elbow.

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