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[News] Linux Growth in Romania -- Open Source Observatory

A Brief Overview -- Open Source Software in Romania

,----[ Quote ]
| Romania is developing its own Linux distributions. One of the biggest
| is Darkstar Linux, based on Slackware. Furthermore, the open source
| community is translating free software projects into Romanian, e.g.
| KDE or GNOME. The Romanian Linux User Group (RLUG) translates and
| improves the Debian documentation.
| Like many other European countries, Romania has caught a glimpse of
| what Linux and other open source software can do for business or
| private use. Romanian user hope the government will realise one
| day that instead of wasting money on proprietary products, it can
| not only improve the functionality of institutions but also use
| open source software as a way to direct those funds to other more
| important issues.



Romania: Software piracy made us what we are today

,----[ Quote ]
| Experts have called for stronger action from Romanian officials on
| software piracy, with prosecutors encouraged to stop dismissing
| potential cases. The International Intellectual Property Alliance
| in 2006 said dismissals are acting as a disincentive on police to
| clamp down on criminals, who are mostly end-users and distributors.


Why Piracy Hurts Open Source

Microsoft seals its Windows and opens the door to Linux

How Piracy Opens Doors for Windows

Beware: Half of Pirated Vista Is Malware

Russian schools abandon Windows after piracy scare

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft says that the incident has nothing to do with them, but it
| appears that Russian schools in the area are so scared about being shipped
| off to a Siberian Gulag, that they are buying Linux gear instead.
| [..]
| According to Karpushin, schools would start using freely distributed
| software like the Linux OS, Russky office and Open office desktop apps,
| Ekho Moskvi reports.


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