Hi there. I'm a Portuguese citizen and have been also concerned with
this issue. Here in Portugal the Vista Ultimate Full Version is even
more expensive than anywhere reaching the unbelievable price of 669,99
euros!!! THIS IS A RIP OFF!
I've written a post in my blog which has only been published a few
days ago because I was waiting to a response from my countrie's
Microsoft branch, but it never came where I also expose this issue ->
Now Portuguese GDP is far lower than British or USA, so I don't know
what kind of study they have made but we here are really paying a lot
more (though taxes applied are 21%, this does not account for the huge
price difference between USA - Europe that Vista's several distros are
getting. This is even more outrageous when the GBP and the EUR are
higher than the USD!
We have all to take a stand to stop these stupid price policies that
always make Europeans pay more!
Kind Regards,
Clint McCarthy
Response Management Team UK
Microsoft Ltd
Can anyone tell me WHAT, precisely, has GDP per capita got to do with
product pricing? I have NEVER, when employed as a Group Management
Accountant, been in ANY organisation that factors in GDP as part of it's
pricing structure.