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[News] PC-BSD Test Drive... It's No Linux

PC-BSD 1.3: Day 1

,----[ Quote ]
| I hate to lose all my credibility in my first post, but FreeBSD makes
| a great console OS, since I have never gotten Xfree to configure
| properly on any desktop or laptop I have owned. I would spend a
| few hours researching the problem, then think "Linux is easier"
| and wipe the drive.
| That said, the allure of BSD remains: fast, modern, capable of
| running on just about anything from toasters to mainframes, and
| less fragmented than Linux. What's not to love?
| Projects like DesktopBSD and PC-BSD are perfect for the likes of
| me: someone that wants to get a BSD desktop running, but doesn't
| want to spend alot of time doing it.


PC-BSD - stick shift

Linux - automatic gear (working out of the box)

Vista - Let the OEM build it because it's hard (and expensive); then, Redmond
and Hollywood hold the gear.

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