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Re: what are the changes from mysql4.1.7 to mysql5.0.27

__/ [ yogesh ] on Friday 05 January 2007 07:26 \__

> what are the compatable issues occurs , both are different version
> level , can any one tell how to
> neglate the error or how to over come the compatable issues ........


Have you tried finding the changelogs on MySQL's Web site? I imagine that
there are performance optimisations primarily because the product is very
mature (in fact, quite humorously, MySQL employees used to tell the boss
that they no longer need to work because they had an excellent product).

PHP 4.x  and 5.x are not fully compatible, but for databases this should not
be the case. An upgrade to MySQL 5.x would probably not cause any issues.
There's a little ongoing issue/FUD/speculation/convtroversy over MySQL not
giving access to the latest build unless you're a commercial (paying)
customer. This rumour comes from a guy who used to work at MySQL AB, but

Hope it helps,


                        ~~ Best wishes for the new year!

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