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Re: Looks like Roy is once again infringing copyrights...

  • Subject: Re: Looks like Roy is once again infringing copyrights...
  • From: notinuse2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Peter Hayes)
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2007 14:38:43 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • References: <1hhu3f705xsm8$.dlg@funkenbusch.com> <20061231105406.38f99058@ed-desktop> <reply_in_group-2E08ED.13141731122006@news.supernews.com> <20061231220214.4a5cea2e@ed-desktop> <1hr9ewn.tvdyhlppasfuN%notinuse2@btinternet.com> <20070101130103.27a7bb6e@ed-desktop>
  • User-agent: MacSOUP/2.7 (Mac OS X version 10.4.8)
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:475168
ed <ed@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Mon, 1 Jan 2007 12:59:13 +0000
> notinuse2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Peter Hayes) wrote:
> > ed <ed@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > 
> > > On Sun, 31 Dec 2006 13:14:17 -0800
> > > Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > 
> > > > In article <20061231105406.38f99058@ed-desktop>, ed
> > > > <ed@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > roy's site is non-commercial, therefore not in breach of any
> > > > > copyright. 
> > > > 
> > > > I'm not sure what country you are from, but it doesn't matter, as
> > > > your statement there is wrong in almost all of them (all of
> > > > Europe, all of North America, and all but perhaps one or two in
> > > > the rest of the world).
> > > 
> > > the bbc don't class what roy is doing as a breach of their terms and
> > > conditions. roy pays a tv/radio license as he is in part of the uk,
> > > bbc can't really complain with what he is doing. anyone can tape a
> > > video from the bbc perfectly legally here in the uk, they can even
> > > put it on you tube, and it's still legal.
> > 
> > Er, no. You can't tape Dr Who and put it on You Tube and expect there
> > to be no repercussions. Perhaps you could put up a snippet under
> > "fair use" provisions, but you would need context. 
> > 
> > You certainly don't buy copyright when you pay your TV licence.
> i understood it to be legal for eduction purposes

Does You Tube count as "educational purposes"?


Immunity is better than innoculation.


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