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Re: [News] Opensuse Review - It's No Ubuntu Linux

On Sat, 20 Jan 2007 10:01:02 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> openSUSE 10.2 (Review)
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | I have mixed feelings about openSUSE. On the one hand, it feels like
> | a polished system, and that is reflected from the installation to
> | YaST. Yet, if we take away YaST for a moment, then openSUSE looks a
> | little weak. It feels sluggish, and has a user interface that isn't
> | necessarily better for the user compared to a standard GNOME
> | interface. It has the cost of deviating from the norm, while
> | gaining very little from it. Compare it to, say, Ubuntu or
> | perhaps even Debian, and openSUSE really doesn't stand very well.
> | 
> | Put YaST back in, however, and openSUSE has a fighting chance.
> | I would go so far as to say that YaST is the best configuration 
> | utility I've used. Unfortunately, I don't think that's enough -
> | Ubuntu manages to keep GNOME looking normal, and seems to work
> | better out of the box, from little things such as ejecting USB
> | sticks to big things like package management. If you're not
> | going to miss YaST, then you probably want Ubuntu. If you
> | still want the big box of options, then PCLinuxOS might have
> | the answer. openSUSE 10.2 is a good distribution, but I can
> | think of at least two others I could recommend instead.
> `----
> http://www.free-bees.co.uk/articles/opensuse102/

I've been saying that since Suse version 10.1.
But of course the Linux zealots can't accept the truth so they bury their
collective heads in the sand.

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