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[News] 2007 Starts Very Well for Linux

2007 Begins with a Bang

,----[ Quote ]
| Wow: has there ever been a month in computing like this one? A
| January distinguished by not one major announcement, not two, but 
| four significant events that will surely go down as milestones in the
| history of technology.
| First, and probably most importantly for readers of this blog, Linden
| Lab announced that it was releasing the code of its Second Life
| client under the GNU GPLv2. I've written before about why Second Life
| is important, and why, therefore, it matters that the open source
| world participate in this revolution on equal terms with
| proprietary platforms.
| [...]
| Microsoft will sell millions of copies of Vista; it will be
| installed on millions of PCs. But if this is the best that one
| of the world's richest and most successful companies can do
| after half a decade's intense work, then it is already a failure, 
| as are the philosophy and methodology that produced it.
| This is the way the world of Windows ends: not with a bang, but
| a whimper.


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