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[News] Another Tumble for SCO

SCO faces new setback in IBM case

,----[ Quote ]
| Magistrate Judge Brooke Wells of the U.S. District Court in Utah denied
| SCO's motion asking for a finding that IBM flushed code that would
| have proved SCO IBM injected Unix programming into the Linux OS,
| according to Groklaw.
| [...]
| The Linux tussle, which also involves Novell, cost SCO $12.3m during
| its fiscal 2006, a sum that CEO Darl McBride said would likely fall
| this year. Coupled with annual revenue that fell 19 percent on
| weakness of its Unix business, the company is on the verge of
| bankruptcy, Novell alleged in a recent filing.
| Novell claims it is owed $26m in licensing fees and that it
| will be irreparably harmed if SCO is allowed to fade to black
| without paying.



Darl McBride destroying SCO: bankruptcy looms

SCO Plans Con Call to Discuss Earnings, Layoffs

SCO bankruptcy called imminent

,----[ Quote ]
| The media reaction to SCO's flurry of press releases and teleconference
| yesterday is intriguing. Just from the headlines, you can see how well it
| did or didn't go.
| [...]
| "If people think SCO has gone crazy or 'MAD' it's now official,"
| McBride said.


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