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[News] Zune File-sharing Less Than Promised

Not only do songs expire, but also...

Universal and Sony prohibit Zune sharing for certain artists

,----[ Quote ]
| It's official: record companies don't like you. After all that griping
| about signing up for the Zune music store -- and keep in mind that
| these record companies receive monies for selling songs here -- that
| resulted in Universal Music Group getting some sort of fat royalty
| check from Microsoft for Zune sales, not to mention whatever
| negotiations went on behind closed doors to come up with that
| ridiculously minimal "three days or three plays" sharing scheme, a
| couple of labels have once again gone out of their way to make
| life hard on you.



A Legitimate Reason to Hate the Zune (And Microsoft Too)

,----[ Quote ]
| Here's the situation: Microsoft has agreed to pay a portion of
| the profits from the sales of the Zune to a record company
| (Universal) because the Zune will undoubtedly be used to 
| store unpurchased songs.
| [...]
| Here it is important to remember a few simple things. The
| money goes to the Universal, not to the artists. 
| [...]
| Microsoft's move sets a bad precedent and turns all consumers into
| thieves without evidence.


Universal to seek money for each iPod sold

,----[ Quote ]
| "It would be a nice idea. We have a negotiation coming up not too
| far. I don't see why we wouldn't do that... but maybe not in the
| same way," Morris said. His "same way" comment is a reference tot
| he Zune, which Universal already gets $1 from after signing a deal
| with Microsoft.


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