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Re: [News] 2,000,000 PlayStation3's Sold While Linux Development Tools Improve

In article <pan.2007.>,
 Bobbie <bobbie4R3MOV3TH1S@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Here Oliver, before you puff your chest up too much, check this out:
> http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3156365
> According to NDP Group numbers quoted in the article Microsoft sold 1.1
> Million Xbox 360s but Sony still sold 1.6 Million PS2's. Ha fucking Ha
> fucking ha. The PS2 out sold the X-Box 360. Puts things in perspective.

And the Nintendo DS outsold both.  So?

> Sony moved about 490 thousand PS3s and about 953 thousand PSPs. So in
> December alone Sony pushed a combined total of 3.043 million video games
> compared to Microsoft's 1.1 Million X-Boxes.

Of course PS2 sells well.  It's been out a long time and has a huge 
library of games.  It's got many many many excellent games, and many 
exclusives.  And it's only $130.

XBox360 is also selling well, and has several excellent and exclusive 
games now, and more coming this year (including Halo 3).

The Wii is limited by supply, and has several excellent games, including 
one blockbuster exclusive now, and several more coming this year.

The DS has several excellent games, including several exclusives, is 
only $130.  It's selling very well.

The GBA is like the PS2.  A huge library, full of excellent games and 
many exclusives, and it is cheap--around $80 (the price seems to vary a 
lot depending on where you buy).

The PS3 supply is exceeding demand, despite the low supply numbers.  
It's got one excellent and exclusive game now, has problems with PS2 
games, costs a lot, and many titles that were PS2 exclusives are going 
non-exclusive for the next generation.

Do you notice a pattern here?  Cheap sells.  Lots of excellent games 
sells.  Excellent exclusive titles sells.  The ones hitting all three of 
these are selling very well.  The ones hitting two, missing cheap, sell 
fairly well.  The one missing all three isn't selling well.

It's interesting to look at revenue by console for December (for the 360 
and the PS3, I'm going to assume a 50/50 split between the two models of 

   360   1.1 million x $350 = $385 million
   PS3   490.7 k x $550     = $270 million
   DS    1.6 million x $130 = $208 million
   PSP   953.2 k x $200     = $191 million
   PS2   1.4 million x $130 = $182 million
   Wii   604.2 k x $250     = $151 million
   GBA   850.7 k x $80      = $ 68 million

   Sony                       $643 million
   Nintendo                   $427 million
   Microsoft                  $385 million

It would be interesting to see what the numbers are like if games were 
added in.  I think Nintendo has the most first-party titles that sell 
well, followed by Microsoft.  Nintendo and Microsoft make a lot on those.

(And there are game sales for systems not listed above.  Note that the 
link you give above lists as the 4th best selling game for December the 
Gamecube version of "Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess", and that 
didn't go on sale until December 11th, I believe, so was only available 
for about half of the time before Christmas that month).

Looking at the December games list, we can see the value of having a 
strong first-party line up.  Note that #1 is from Microsoft, and #4, #5, 
#7, and #9 are from Nintendo.  The rest consist of 3 PS2 games, and 1 
game that appears twice--once for its PS2 version and once for its 360 
version.  None of these are by Sony, so although Sony makes some money 
off them from licensing fees, it's nothing like what Microsoft or 
Nintendo get for the games where there isn't a third party.

Sony needs to line up some good exclusives for the PS3.

--Tim Smith

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