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Re: [News] Tactless Ballmer Laughs at iPhone

On Fri, 19 Jan 2007 09:20:26 -0800, John Bailo wrote:

> Rick wrote:
>> His "success" was possible because of immoral, unethical and illegal 
>> business tactics.
> Not at all...he simply fed a demand for low cost GUI computing at a time 
> when the only alterative was high priced Apple hardware coupled with a 
> cumbersome OS.   That was in the 90s.

And torpedoed its major competitor, OS/2.

And took steps to ensure DOS competitors wouldn't sell their products to
Windows users - the spurious warnings issued when a non-MS DOS was
detected, for example.

And offered retailers a "choice" of selling MS OSen cheap as long as they
didn't sell competing products, or selling MS OSen for considerably more
but allowing competing products - meaning sure you can choose to sell
anything you want, but your neighbour can sell our stuff at a tenth of
your cost.  Go ahead and "choose".

And on and on and on.  MS has been bitch-slapped so many times over their
anti-competitive practices, it's amazing anyone can even pretend to have a
straight face when suggesting all they did was, in essence, "feed a need".

Oh, wait... this is Bailo.  What's he doing out of the circular file?

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