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Re: The FAQ and Primer for COLA, Edition III

Jan 13 2007 16:32 amicus_curious wrote:

Ya gots uh PhD,  ya seem fucking fucked in da membrain. As ya citated,
da FAQ states da charter ta be, in part, "For discussion o' da benefits
o' Linux compare ta otha operatin syzdem."

To suggest dat means dat da purpose iz ta simply praise Linux an' ta
forbid any bitch slappin, iz an illogical interpretation o' da term
"compared to". A mo' exact inteprazion would be dat duh post iz
actually required ta kontrast Linux du Windowz or some other operaten

It seems ta say nuttin' bout discussin market results fo' software such
as Open Office, Apache, MySQL, Firefox, etc., which iz not operaten
syztems at all an', in any case, iz mostly used on Windowz. It says
nuttin' about discussin o' Microsoft'sXBox an' Zune compared ta Sony
PS3 an' Apple iPod, eithu. I thot da ya "is bustin ma balls", as some
bro one say.

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