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[News] Novell Letter Implies They Believe in Software Patents

Novell, Microsoft Building Bridges

,----[ Quote ]
| Also, we have agreed to provide each other's customers with patent
| coverage for our leading products. This patent protection lets us
| offer our customers the highest levels of interoperability, with
| assurance that both companies stand behind their solutions. On a
| foundation of respect for software patents and other intellectual
| property, we have built a bridge for customers between the two
| worlds of open-source and proprietary software.


Shakespeare wags a finger at Microsoft/Novell pact ... has plenty to say
about other tech matters, too.

,----[ Quote ]
| Shakespeare wags a finger at Microsoft/Novell pact .... has plenty to say 
| about other tech matters, too.
| Last month we couldn't help but note (because I drive by it every day)
| a billboard extolling the virtues of the recent Microsoft/Novell
| "Bipartisan Computing" partnership. (Paid for by the newly minted
| couple, naturally.)
| Seems I'm not the only one to take such note. Driving to work today
| I see this message plastered on the billboard directly opposite
| and across the highway from the first one:
| Take that Gates ... and, you too, Hovsepian, I think. (Translating
| Shakespeare has never been a strong suit.)


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