3Com touts open source
,----[ Quote ]
| 3Com's OSN module is a Linux-based server blade that fits into
| the company's 6000 series routers. It is designed to run
| applications that benefit from being close to the network
| layer, the company says.
List of candidate Microsoft astroturfers (directly or indirectly paid by
Microsoft to post in this newsgroup):
Larry Qualig (former Microsoft employee)
Scott Nudds (AKA Vistaking)
Erik Funkenbusch (formerly an anti-OS/2 astroturfer)
flatfish+++ (Gary Stewart)
Damian O'Leary (AKA Hadron Quark)
Nedd Ludd
Tim Smith
Ana Thema
Take everything posted by the individuals above with grain of salt. Microsoft
has already been caught paying forum members to spread lies about rivals,
e.g. http://worldcadaccess.typepad.com/gizmos/2005/11/2_grassroots_an.html
Suggested filter list: http://colatrolls.blogspot.com/