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[News] [Rival] Microsoft's Vista and Arrogance Drives Away Customers

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Vista and Arrogance Drives Away Customers
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2007 13:15:58 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Microsoft's OEM catch-22: XP still in the driver's seat

,----[ Quote ]
| Much to Microsoft's chagrin, the "must wait for Service Pack 1" meme is also 
| so firmly established that Vista uptake will continue to be soft among 
| businesses for quite some time, certainly into early 2008 when we expect to 
| see Vista's first service pack. Until then, Microsoft will not only have to 
| keep marketing Vista to end users and IT shops, but it's beginning to look 
| like the company will also need to pay increased attention to the happiness 
| of OEMs whose help the company needs steering the S.S. Windows Vista out of 
| the harbor.       


Microsoft Is Sheer Arrogant Claim Xbox 360 Customers

,----[ Quote ]
| "Sheer arrogance from MS and they have lost what was once a loyal customer, 
| I will never purchase another MS product again!! As a consumer I expect 
| and Demand to be treated better than that or simply put I will take my 
| business elsewhere!"


It turns out there's a Boycott Microsoft Web site:



Dell warns of Vista upgrade challenges

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell has taken the unusual step--for a PC vendor of its size--of 
| toning down its sales pitch for Microsoft's Vista operating system 
| and warning businesses of the migration challenges that lie ahead 
| for them.


Dell casts doubts on Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Dell today revealed that it will restore the option to use Windows XP on
| some of its home systems, marking a potentially damaging blow to
| Microsoft's hopes for the newer Windows Vista.
| [...]
| While a popular request through the company's IdeaStorm website, the
| choice was substantially outnumbered by requests for pre-installed
| Linux, US-based technical support, and other features -- pointing to a 
| larger general demand for the change. The turnaround may be a reflection of 
| an overall backlash against Vista, observed IDC analyst Richard Shim.


Microsoft : Arrogance leads to Vulnerability

,----[ Quote ]
| Chatting with the Microsoft senior sales people, I was struck by
| their incredible arrogance. They know the company?s products are good,
| but they have no qualms whatsoever about charging top dollar as a
| result.
| It reminds us how Microsoft used to behave when it comes to their
| products' security records. IE5 and 6 were nothing short of being
| proper Swiss Cheese with loads of holes in them but hey, they had 95%
| of the browser market at that time and couldn't care less.


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