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Re: [News] [Linux] New and Extensive Linux Introduction/Advocacy

____/ diablo75 on Thursday 05 July 2007 23:48 : \____

>  > GUEST wrote:
>  > Introduction to Linux
>  > 
>  > ,----[ Quote ]
>  > | The very first thing that must be understood about Linux is that
>  > | is it open-source software. Think about the open nature of a
>  > | chocolate chip cookie recipe and how all the people who use ita
>  > | re legally allowed to modify and redistribute the recipe if they
>  > | wish, provided they're given permission to do so from the
> author...
>  > `----
>  > 
>  > http://www.davestechsupport.com/ubuntufaq.html
>  > 
>  > It's quite a good Web page, so it's worth
> mentioning.
> Probably in Ubuntu Forums...
> How was the site "before" different than it is right now.  I
> think the biggest change I've made to it is split it up into seperate
> pieces so each question in the FAQ has it's own page.  I didn't want
> to overwhelm people with this giant, huge, long page that would make
> any Windows user cower in fear of having to sit down and be given the
> impression that they'll have to commit at least an hour of reading
> time.
> Something I am slowly working on is creating audio tracks of myself of
> the FAQ, so visitors can simply click on a play button somewhere and
> listen to me read the FAQ to them.

Oh, yeah... I remember now. I suggested to you on Digg that you slice the page
into smaller chunks.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Linux: the most popular, but not most widespread
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