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[News] 4th of July a Good Day for Windows Zombies

  • Subject: [News] 4th of July a Good Day for Windows Zombies
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2007 12:31:07 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Storm Trojan feeds on Independence Day

,----[ Quote ]
| Users duped into clicking on the link within the infected email are taken 
| to compromised sites hosting exploits that attempt to load a copy of the 
| Storm Trojan onto vulnerable Windows PCs. The latest spam campaign is 
| being launched from compromised machines, which have been turned into 
| malware spewing spam bots.


The Register should be praised for its choice of words here.

Days ago:

Spam reports rising 

,----[ Quote ]
| Over 96 per cent of malicious emails for June were phishing attempts, 
| followed by pesky netsky, stration, bagle and mytop as the next big hitters 
| respectively.  


iPhone bait in malware attack

,----[ Quote ]
| Spam messages claiming the recipient has won an iPhone are being 
| used to attract victims to a web site that tries to install a 
| rootkit and spambot malware by exploiting ten ActiveX vulnerabilities.
`----                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



Hotmail still riddled with spam

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has admitted that up to 98 per cent of messages sent to
|                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| Hotmail addresses are spam. 
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| [...]
| The findings will disappoint Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, who
| predicted at the 2004 Davos World Economic Forum that spam would
| be "eliminated" within two years. 


Month of ActiveX bugs project begins with two Office flaws

,----[ Quote ]
| A hacker known as shinnai kicked off his "Month of ActiveX Bugs"
| (MoAxB) project with a bang by exposing a number of severe
| vulnerabilities affecting OCX controls in Microsoft Office.


Vista still vulnerable

,----[ Quote ]
| Vulnerabilities in Windows Vista will plague users in coming months
| and years, a prominent security researcher warns, despite its
| security improvements over predecessor XP.


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