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Re: [News] Ubuntu Linux Has Urge for More Frequent Releases

____/ Geico Caveman on Tuesday 03 July 2007 18:06 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Joint releases to jolt open source: Shuttleworth
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Ubuntu Linux founder Mark Shuttleworth has declared more publicity
>> | would be generated for open source software if the three large
>> | desktop projects of KDE, GNOME, and OpenOffice.org agreed on a
>> | common and regular release cycle.
>> |
> Bad idea. A project release is ready when it is ready. Beyond providing the
> menu packages for KDE/Gnome, OpenOffice.org for instance has nothing in
> common with them. Why should it be held hostage to the release schedules
> for KDE/Gnome ?
> Ubuntu's six monthly releases are a very good balance between being up to
> date, and being tested well enough. It works. And the first rule of
> engineering is - if it works, don't fix it.

...And there's also LTS, of course, which seems to be working well after
release got postponed (Dapper 2 months behind schedule?).

                ~~ Best of wishes

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