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Re: [News] Microsoft Lockins Analysed, Government and Business Advised to Consider Linux

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Argh!!! Moment ago, the shills buried my perfectly legitmate submission.
> http://digg.com/linux_unix/Linus_Torvalds_Microsoft_Just_Made_Up_The_Number
> This comes just days after an FSF item was wiped out of this earth <
> http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2007/06/30/fsf-censored-digg/ >. What
> is going on in the world?!?!?! Is it like the Truman Show?

Clearly Microsoft are paying a lot of money to make sure that such
stories get buried.  Keep it up, Roy, in the end, you will win.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
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